We’ve partnered with FedEx to ensure your order is delivered securely and on time. To help you with your purchasing decision, we list the average time it will take for an order to process for each product listed on the EUHOMYwebsite. Orders for some products will process more quickly than others due to order inventory status. We try to be as fair and accurate as possible when listing each product’s availability.
We offer the following types of transportation:
Standard ground transportation: 3-7 working days
We ship on normal working days (non-holidays) from Monday to Friday. Orders placed on the weekend will be shipped on the next business day.
* During the checkout process, all products that meet the expedited shipping conditions will display these shipping options so that you can choose the best option for shipping, and we will deliver the goods to your hands as soon as possible.
During normal working days, we will arrange to pick within two days (except weekends), the general transportation time is 3-7 days,
We will calculate your expedited freight based on the following factors: destination, size, and weight. If you can speed up product shipping, a list of shipping options and shipping rates will be displayed at checkout. You need to tell our customer service your address to see if we can provide expedited service.
If you need us to deliver before a specific date, you can contact our EUHOMY customer service team to ensure the delivery date.
When we process your order, a customer service representative may contact you to verify your order and billing information after a purchase. If we are unable to reach you, your order may be delayed. The best way to ensure no delivery delays is to carefully check all the information entered at the checkout.
Check to make sure the packaging is not damaged. If the damage during transportation exceeds normal wear and tear, it may indicate that your items were damaged during transport. Please refuse to package and send an email to contact our customer service team. We will provide you with other instructions to correct your order.